At Twilight

I must take a moment to say thanks!

Zipped has surprisingly grown to over 500 followers in just four months, so thank you thank you thank you. It's been such a great, encouraging week and I'm so grateful for the support. Yesterday I read a couple of my first posts, and seeing how much it has grown is exciting!

Now for some old-school outfit photos shot with a fuzzy point and shoot. Luckily, I'm investing in a dSLR soon and I couldn't be more excited!

My hair is always in my eyes, hence the casually pull-the-hair-away-from-the-face pose! Can't be helped. These photos were taken at twilight so the lighting on each turned out differently, which I thought was interesting. And I liked this outfit even though I'm not really a waist-belter...haha. I know I wear this scarf all the time, but it's just so comfy. Coral yet again; maybe I need to move on to anotherspring bright?

Enjoy the weekend!

 Don't forget, only three more days to enter the Karen Kane giveaway! They have some seriously cute pieces for spring you won't want to miss.

EDIT: Giveaway's closed!