May Playlist

Elyse Lankford | truelane

Elyse Lankford is an art student and graphic designer/booking assistant at a Seattle music venue. Dream trip? Probably Switzerland and northern Italy. Dream concert? Tennis then Twin Peaks opening for The Strokes. Dream meal? Neapolitan pizza. Dream job? Something to do with music and art and travel. 

May Playlist | truelane

Hi all! I hope your month has been full of fantastic tunes, sun, and blooms, thanks to last month's rain showers. 

Much of my music consumption this month was influenced by my discoveries at Treefort Music Fest that happened at the end of March. Genders (Portland), Sunbathe (Portland), GABI (Phoenix), and Flaural (Denver) are 4 of 400+ bands that played Treefort and were musts for this playlist. The four days I spent at Treefort consisted of roaming around the small, very chill city of Boise, ID, mostly with friends I had just met on that trip, catching all the live music we could. Very cool festival with very cool people and music. 

Also, only five bands on this playlist were familiar to me before the beginning of this year, and I’m not quite sure how to fully express my excitement about these discoveries, but please enjoy. 

Flower Glass - Hand Habits
No Woman - Whitney
Outside with the Cuties - Frankie Cosmos
200 and South La Brea - Allah Las
Chop - Vundabar
Life is but a Dream - Genders
What it Means - GABI
Magic Number - Sunbathe
Duke - Cate Le Bon
Headbanging in the Mirror - Ducktails
Nowhere Near - Flaural
Stay Away - Rooney
On Your Own - Dead Ghosts