Coffee in Seattle

Coffee in Seattle | truelane
Coffee in Seattle | truelane
Coffee in Seattle | truelane
Coffee in Seattle | truelane
Coffee in Seattle | truelane
Coffee in Seattle | truelane
Coffee in Seattle | truelane
Coffee in Seattle | truelane
Coffee in Seattle | truelane
Coffee in Seattle | truelane
Coffee in Seattle | truelane

Photos: Michele Equitz

Abercrombie jacket (similar) |  Unicorn Project tee (similar)  |  Topshop denim  |  Aldo flats (similar)  |  Chanel bag loaned c/o Bag Borrow or Steal  |  Ray-Ban sunglasses

I'm so excited to share with you guys my First Official Outfit Photos as a Seattle Blogger. Insert champagne toast and round of applause. I had such a fun shoot with Michele last Friday and felt immediately welcomed into the city. You know that feeling of being in the right place at the right time? That's me here in my "new" city. I've been in and around Seattle a million times, but actually living here is a whole new ball game. A ball game that just ended in a grand slam.